Ted Ed videos are short educational videos explaining a various number of different topics in a few minutes. Here I will share a list of those I have already watched or find interesting for future reference.

For instance TED-Ed: What’s the best country to live in? | TED Talk. This video could be part of an extensive session on everything around the question of ‘quality of life’, but it also stands alone in that it raises a lot of questions concerning how countries are different from each other along many aspects.

Why do people fear the wrong things? – Gerd Gigerenzer | TED-Ed

Here is the general link to TED Ed videos. Always worth exploring.

Lately we have been talking a lot about so-called A.I. We watched a TED Ed What is A.I. and listened to a podcast on NPR on the topic. The following TED talk is a little longer, but gives a little more background to Chat GTP: Greg Brockman: The inside story of ChatGPT’s astonishing potential | TED Talk

Here is one I would like to discuss (haven’t yet):

Ethical dilemma: What makes life worth living? – Douglas | TED-Ed

Underneath ones you like are always a few further recommendations.

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