Januar 8th was our first meeting. As always, we spent this session with getting to know each other and with getting an idea what this course will be like or about. @language-cabinet.de you find the course description on the upper part of the blog (in the dark section), where you also find this page and Resources and Recommendation for Dieticians (we took a brief look and started with a ‘body vocabulary’ related ‘sporcle’ at the end or our session).
We talked about some of the questions on the questionaire, first in little groups, then together. We will continue with that.
We also discussed the question why English is the language of science and useful to learn or improve. A lot of resources are written by experts in their fields, written for non-experts and well accessible. Some you find on my resources page. Secondly, English is the ‘default’ language known by many who might not speak German.
Since we have a long break in February, one of my main intentions for the first meetings is to show you some online things you can check out and do on your own. In our second stretch of meetings (in March), we will look at some of the literature and do some longer readings.
Questions that came up in our first meeting that are worth further exploration:
- How can people decide which information on the internet can be trusted?
- Is artificial sweetener harmful or not?
Further (optional – we can’t do all) questions we will be dealing with you find in the course description.
Link to the sporcle we started last week: 16 Little Body Part Pictograms Quiz
For next session(s):
Katherine Saunders: Why your body fights weight loss | TED Talk or go to Dietician Resources and pick a TED ed, e.g.
Why are eating disorders so hard to treat? – Anees Bahji | TED-Ed
Is it possible to lose weight fast? – Hei Man Chan | TED-Ed
More TED eds under Class for dietician students: Literature, fun stuff and further recommendations | Pat’s Language Cabinet
Diet and Nutrition Glossary Quiz – By hatefulmissy (also as paper copy for repetition)