My Art Gallery

Here is a little selection of my art work. I’m still not happy with all the photographs, but it’s a start. So far they are not in chronological order. However, I don’t think that’s important.

2015-02-08 09.58.59.png

Chicken Revolution


Ü-Ei Dschungel

2015-03-08 12.43.38.pngP1060061.JPG2015-02-08 10.05.25.pngP1060064.JPGP1060057.JPG


The Pigs in the Forest have been completed, but I definitely need a better camera.

2014-12-30 22.32.40.png 2015-02-08 11.33.02.png

Giraffes in No Land

2015-02-08 12.30.45.png  2015-02-08 12.31.37.png

Giraffen 2




Older paintings

P1070429.JPG  P1060060_Kopie.jpg  P1070424.JPG 

Here a rather untypical motif, inspired by my first outdoor tomatoes. (I love jungles, though, so there seems to be some kind of continuity.)


Sketches and drawings












Sketches for Pigs in the Forest
The Puppet Theater is still in progress; the motif is from a brochure advertising pet care. The picture was just great and ‘unignorable’. I hope, I haven’t violated any copy rights.

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