Stephen King Revisited and a brief pandemic update

We are in week 13 of Corona. I had to go into my calendar and count. Ever since Germany started with loosening the quarantine measures, life has become a little more restless again. As one writer said: going into ‘Corona’ was easy, getting out again way more complicated.

Our local sports club has been opening up gradually. The individual sports departments had to hand in concepts how to uphold the corona regulations and outdoor sports could commence. Thus, I’m back on the tennis courts, even though I didn’t miss it during the total shutdown. We went for long walks instead behind our village. On the weekends we explored the hills and forests of our region in a radius of 30 kilometers – and were quite amazed at what we found.

But, to tell the truth, it was good to meet more people and friends again. And I must admit, the last two weeks I was on our sports ground almost every day. (The sports pub was also allowed to open under strict hygiene rules 😉

I find it amazing how (almost) everyone is really trying there best to adhere to the rules and restrictions. Of course there is the one or other transgression and we have had fights as to how to handle them. But all in all and so far, the situation has brought us closer together.

On the news, of course you hear different stories and the rate of infection has gone up again. Without wanting to generalize too much at this stage, but the images of partying youngsters does give the impression of reckless ignorance among certain age groups. I understand that the coronavirus threat seems quite abstract if you haven’t experienced anyone afflicted – this is what virologists call the prevention paradox – but nobody is invincable and we still should follow the rules The threat is not over yet.

Postwise I focussed on adding to my Useful Lessons post at the top, which has indeed made online teaching life much easier for me.

I finished reading a novel; Eleonore Oliphant is Completely Fine, by Gail Honeyman. The fact alone that I finished it is recommendation enough. The so called digital revolution has made it extremely difficult for me to read a book to the end. I have read and heard that I am not alone in this. I’ve tried different remedies like buying the real thing again and not putting it down until the last page. Didn’t work. (Not that I believe it always necessary to read a book from cover to cover, but I would like to be able to at least browse through the whole thing and find out.)

It’s a pychological issue that I will explore more deeply in a separate post, because it definitely deserves more attention. Suffice it to say, even IT guys from Silikon Valley have started sending warning messages after wondering what was happening to their kid’s brains.

After finishing Eleanore Oliphant, I was longing to find another story I would love to delve into. I looked around and came across a New York Times article on one of my forever favorite authors whom I hadn’t read for some time. I used to be a big fan of Stephen King, especially in the 80ies and 90ies. Then I lost track a little. I did reread Bag of Bones a few years ago, one of my top favorites. However, I have now decided to go back and indulge some more and catch up.

I’m not totally decided yet if I will read my all time favorites or opt for a new story. I have recommended reading King every once in a while in my classes for various reasons I will go into later. For now: here the New York Times article which is a good start and offers recommendations for Stephen King initiates as well as old fans.

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