Working from Home

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There are many webpages dealing with this topic. Especially now, as working from home has so suddenly become a new situation for so many people, the topic has gained some urgency.

For teachers, a considerable part of our job is done at home – preparing classes, reading, researching etc. – so having a home office and working at home is not totally new for us. But now it has gained a different quality in its exclusivity. I have never spent so many hours sitting at my desk in front of my computer. In the beginning, I didn’t even realize how many hours straight I had been spending at my desk trying to figure things out – see below 😉

Many texts and pages on the internet concerning ‘home office’ or ‘working from home’ deal with the pros and cons of home office from the perspective of companies. But now the situation is different, the perspective has shifted, and for many home office is not just an option any more, but a necessity.

And in this context, there was one text I especially liked. The author, Kevin Peters, addresses many, many aspects of working from home, especially for those for whom this has become a very sudden reality. The text is well written and really says it all, and I think I will recommend it to everyone I meet online.

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